
Introducing: Image Optimizer by Elementor Plugin

Boost WordPress websites with Image Optimizer by Elementor – a new plugin to resize, compress, and convert images to WebP effortlessly. Enhance performance, SEO, and user satisfaction with optimized images.

Elementor Hosting Performance Leaps Ahead. Benchmarking Against the Best.

Your website’s performance is one of the most important metrics for us at Elementor Hosting. We obsess over it to ensure we enable you to provide your visitors with an awesome experience, whether you have a personal portfolio, an e-commerce site, or something entirely unique. Today, we will begin sharing a few of our performance insights with you.

Redefining the Web Creation Experience: Elementor Unveils AI for Containers

Elementor has always been a pioneer in the WordPress ecosystem, and now, we’re taking a monumental leap into the future with the release of our advanced AI editor capability for containers. We are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking AI capability that will reshape the way you create websites.

6 Reasons to Offer Elementor Hosting to Your Clients

Discover why Elementor Hosting is the perfect blend of speed, security, and affordability for your clients. In this detailed exploration, we present six compelling reasons that establish Elementor Hosting as the optimal choice for meeting your client’s diverse web hosting needs.

How to Clone your WordPress Site with Elementor Hosting

Site Cloning allows you to seamlessly duplicate an entire website with just a few clicks, thanks to Elementor Hosting’s user-friendly tool. This feature empowers web creators to quickly develop new websites with similar structures, design, and functionality of the cloned site. It ensures consistent, high-quality results, streamlining the web design and development process.

How to Create a Staging Site in WordPress with Elementor Hosting

A staging site’s main purpose is to ensure that all new website changes are working perfectly before they are deployed to the live site. Using staging sites enhances your workflow, reduces risks during updates, and ensures a seamless user experience. In this article, we explore how Elementor Hosting streamlines this process for you and why it’s an essential tool for web creation.

How to create a WordPress Website

How to Build a WordPress Website

New to WordPress? No worries! This beginner-friendly WordPress tutorial is designed to help you learn the ropes and create a stunning website, even if you’ve never built one before. We’ll guide you step-by-step through the entire process to make a website, from choosing a domain name and hosting provider to customizing your site and optimizing it for search engines. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid understanding of the essential components of a WordPress website. Ready? Let’s go!

Twenty years of WordPress and revolutionizing the web

Twenty years of WordPress. Wow. Reaching twenty years of age is truly a momentous occasion: it is a transition to adulthood, and all the more so for a scrappy, rebellious, Open Source piece of software that blossomed from an idea and went on to change the web forever.

The Hidden Costs of Website Hosting

When you look at web hosting costs on a hosting provider’s site, you’ll typically see one single number for each plan. That’s why it’s easy to think that one price is all you’ll ever pay. But Is that really the case? In this post, we’re going to dig into web hosting costs in detail, including those hidden costs that you’ll want to pay attention to.

What Is Google Cloud Web Hosting for WordPress?

Tired of having problems with your website hosting provider’s speed, security, and reliability? Maybe it’s time to switch to Google Cloud Platform for WordPress. In this post, we will help you make an informed decision about GCP and discuss two methods for installing WordPress on it.

The Complete Guide to A/B Testing in WordPress

The best decision is an informed decision, and A/B testing enables you to make data-backed decisions to improve your website. In this guide, you will learn the exact steps for running A/B tests for free.​

WordPress Website Maintenance: A 16-Step Checklist of Crucial Tasks

Good website maintenance is necessary for a healthy, long-lasting website. It allows you to spot issues early on, fix them, and make sure that your website remains operative and beneficial. Follow our checklist to successfully maintain your WordPress website.

How To Set Up a WordPress Development Environment

Any creation requires a good workshop to work in — someplace fitted for the task at hand. A WordPress development environment is a great place to create your website before you go public. Discover how to set one up.

How to Speed up WordPress: In-Depth Guide

The faster your website loads, the better user experience you provide — it’s as simple as that. Better user experience leads to higher conversion rates, lower bounce rates, and more. Learn how to speed up your website and improve your users’ experience.

How To Redirect URLs in WordPress

Redirecting visitors from one page on your website to another is an important part of website maintenance and there could be a number of reasons for doing it. Explore them all, and learn how to create redirects on your WordPress website.

How to Set up a Subdomain on Your WordPress Website

Subdomains are a great way to separate websites — dividing them clearly and allocating them to specific target audiences for better and unique experiences. Discover what they are, why you should use them, and how to install a subdomain on WordPress.